Events terms and conditions
Terms and condition related to attending events and activities organised by the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire.
It's been a bumpy couple of years but we've loved seeing people again!
Find your local Wildlife Trust event and get stuck in to wild activities, talks, walks and much more.
Find out the latest from the Great Fen with Henry Stanier. With so much going on at the Fen, it's never too soon for an update, and this one will include a particular focus on birds of prey…
30 Days Wild 2021 is here! We will be updating this blog daily with new activities to inspire your Random Acts of Wildness.
Regular North Chiltern's Chalk volunteer Barbara Ellis gives us her perspective of volunteering with the Wildlife Trust BCN
This bumpy shell lives up to its name and lives partly buried in the seabed along the west coast of Great Britain.